Thursday, October 31, 2019
The great pacific patch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The great pacific patch - Essay Example The western and the eastern garbage patches form the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Larger proportion of the patch consists of the plastic that is not bio-degradable but instead, photodegradable releasing small plastic particles that are harmful to marine animals. The particles act like sponge that soak toxic chemicals in the sea and suspend on the sea water and seabed sediments. When fish and other marine animals feed on them, they may die and their predators may have less to feed on causing successive deaths (Curtin & Belcher, 2008). Changes in the sea life for algae and other marine life also affect human life. For example, changes in water temperatures disturb the numbers of bacteria and fungi in the waters with negative consequences on marine animals and fish. Fish is essential for the growing human population and diseases arising from microorganisms affect food attainability. Wastes from factories cause harm to these organisms and can as well poison wildlife and humans. Wastes from industries also lead to declining of the sea grasses and reduced pathogenic potentials. Sea skaters also lay their eggs on flotsam objects such as pumice and seashells. Increased number of plastic wastes in the seas and large water bodies has increased egg concentrations in the gyre area because the plastic garbage provides surface for laying of these eggs. The marine wastes can also disturb the food webs at the sea in the north pacific gyre. Planktons and algae on the basement of the sea use sunlight to make their own food. The trash that collects on the surface of water blocks the sunlight from reaching planktons and algae which are the most common autotrophs in the food web. The entire food web may change because fish and other small animals that feed on the planktons and algae will have less to feed on and as a result may die. The predators that feed on these fish will also be affected and the food web will be affected in whole (Bowler, Karl, & Colwell,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Design and creative enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Design and creative enterprise - Essay Example Graphic designers have to know all these things about the art of graphic design in order to operate competitively in the current industry (Heller and Fernandes, 2010). The graphic design industry is a fun and creative one. Being a graphic designer enables one to spend the whole day doing what he laves to do. The industry is also quite a lucrative one as it is possible to earn a lot of money from the designs. It is possible for graphic designers to work in a variety of environments. Many graphic design graduates normally find work in companies that deal specifically with the field of graphic design. These companies include design consultancy firms and branding agencies, publishing, marketing and communications companies (Gold, 1995). However, with the introduction of PCs into the industry, the shift is quickly changing and more graphic designers are opting to work independently. The innovation of new graphic design software that is easily available has also contributed a great deal to the increasing number of independent graphic design enterprises and free lance jobs. The graphic design business is easy to scale and one can work with as much flexibility as he wishes (Foote, 2004). Graphic Design Business Graphic design, regardless of whether it is practiced as a large enterprise or as a freelance job, has an important place in the social scene. It can be used to communicate a particular social ideal. It is also used by many business people to attract clients or consumers. It is used as a motivational tool for political campaigns. Graphic arts is also used in travelling guides to help people find their way in places that they do not know (Landa, 2001). In other words, graphic design does much more than just make things look pretty. It is an audience centered approach of visual communication and it is always geared towards meeting all of the clients needs. This is the ideal design practice that helps in the protection of creative values and enables a creative prof essional set up his design business (Goldfarb, 2006). In order to meet all of the clientsââ¬â¢ needs, the professional designer has to know the intended audience very well. The ideal design practice requires graphic designers to fully understand the audience so as to be as effective as possible when they are communicating their clientsââ¬â¢ ideas (Heller and Fernandes, 2010). This means that he must analyze all relevant data about the audience, including their class, education level, gender, buying habits, favorite television shows, personal traits and many more. The designers then use this psychographic and demographic information to determine what exactly it is that the audience perceives (Foote, 2004). A successful graphic design enterprise does not only rely on the understanding of the audience, but also on the grounding of fine art and creativity which is combined with ample technical knowledge. This technical knowledge encompasses special processes, digital file presenta tion, paper stocks, quality control printing inks and troubleshooting. The ideal design process is a combination of these technical skills as well as creative and research skills. A graphic designer wanting to start his own business must therefore ensure that he has all the technical and non-technical materials he needs to ensure that his business starts off on the right note (Gold, 1995). How to start the graphic Design Business Like any other business, a person
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Assessment for Learning techniques and the teaching of Science
Assessment for Learning techniques and the teaching of Science The purpose of this literature review is to research recent literature and research conducted into Assessment for Learning (AfL) techniques and relating directly to the teaching of Science as a subject within Primary Education. This literature review is predominantly designed to address the following research questions: Which are the most commonly used techniques of AfL in science? How is constructivism linked to AfL in Science? Do other subjects use different AfL techniques than are used in science? How common is the use of AfL in science? What is the impact of the use of AfL on pupils understanding of scientific concepts? How does AfL impact on the application of scientific skills at KS2? To research these questions, searches were made using Athens, searching the British Education Index (BEI) and The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) and Australian Education Index (AEI) research systems for articles and books relating to Assessment for Learning (AfL), formative assessment and science education which had been published since 1990. Hand searches were also made through Primary Science Review, Science Education and School Science Review. Assessment for Learning (AfL) has been defined as: the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there. (Assessment Reform Group, 2002) The application of scientific skills at KS2 has been encapsulated by the Welsh Assembly Government in their new Welsh Curriculum documents introduced in 2008 as: Learners should be taught to relate their scientific skills, knowledge and understanding to applications of science in everyday life, including current issues. They should be taught to recognise that scientific ideas can be evaluated by means of information gathered from observations and measurements. (Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills, 2008) Research into AfL (e.g. Black William, 1998 and Osborne Freyberg, 1985) has indicated that whilst it is evident that all children benefit, it is not something added to teaching, but is integral to it (Harlen, 2006b, p. 176). In essence, AfL cannot be an addition to the pedagogical process; conversely it must be inherently encompassed within all teaching and learning practices. Harrison and Black (2004) develop the ideology behind Black and Williams work (1998) relating to AfL techniques and research directly to the subject of Science. Whilst predominantly focussed towards secondary science teaching, this work is still relevant to Primary Education. In this work, they develop the reasoning behind the advantages of the use of AfL within Science lessons. Science provides the means by which learners can interact with the world around them and develop ideas about the phenomena they experience. So, when they attempt activities such as germinating seeds, their studies in science equip them with ways to observe and question what is happening. Through experiments they can begin to work out and predict what might happen if conditions for the growing plant change. To be able to learn science in this way, student needs help in developing process skills to investigate, and communication skills to question and discuss findings. Formative assessment fits well into this learning scenario, since its purpose is for teachers to sift the rich data that arise in classroom discussion and activity, so that professional judgements can be made about the next steps in learning. (Black Harrison, 2004, p. 3) In her paper presented to the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Moody (2009) highlights the generally accepted techniques of AfL used within the classroom, which many articles are generally in agreement with, which are: Peer and self-assessment Sharing learning goals and success criteria Effective questioning and dialogue Effective teacher feedback In addition, the importance to an effective classroom climate where children are encouraged to share their thoughts and unconstrained by the correction of wrong answers and the feeling that being wrong is a negative rather than the opportunity to share initial ideas, is essential. When researching methods into AfL and its introduction into the primary classroom, history determines that the Plowden Report (1967) must be mentioned and discussed regarding her research and finding that showed, according to Bell (2008) in hindsight, amazing vision when it indicated that a successful education should include: child-centred approached to teaching a topic based curriculum discovery learning The core principles and values that directly relate to modern AfL techniques and philosophies require that: childrens views are highly valued and actively sought out that their learning engages them in a way that they can actively relate them to other aspects of their lives the learning of skills across the curriculum enables children to be equipped to deal with a variety of situations rather than a single subject discipline. Critics of these ideals as Gillard (2004) describes are the writers of the Black Papers and their followers who criticised much of what the primary schools were doing and blamed the Plowden Report at least in part for what they saw as undesirable trends during the 1970s and 1980s. Driver (1983), however agrees with the underlying philosophy behind the Plowden report findings, stating that It is, after all, the coherence as perceived by the pupil that matters in learning. Driver was also part of the Childrens Learning in Science Project (CLISP) which researched the area that it is as important in teaching and curriculum development to consider and understand childrens own ideas as it is to give a clear presentation of the conventional scientific theories (Driver, 1983) In their article, Lindsay and Clark (2001) describe ways in which AfL strategies (and specifically self- and peer-assessment) can be used to develop a constructivist classroom where children participate in creating and reflecting on their learning (p. 15). They also identify advantages to these techniques specifically develop scientific skills stating that children become more scientific in their enquiriesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦encourages children to be constantly involved in the scientific process and their role within it (p. 18). Black and Harrison (2004) also discuss the importance of discussion within the science classroom where students feel they can reveal current understanding and be helped to further understanding and feel that this is an essential ingredient to making formative assessment function in the classroom (p. 9). With regards to talk within the classroom, many writers have defined three different kinds: Triadic dialogue (three stages usually teacher initiation, pupil response and teacher evaluation), Authorative discourse (teacher conveying information to the pupils) and Interactive or non-interactive talk. Chin (2006) suggests that the triadic dialogue method is often perceived to have restrictive effects on pupil thinking (p. 1316), that ideas conveyed by the teacher using authorative discourse tend to be ignored and that interactive talk is described as dialogue. Generally in agreement are Asoko and Scott (2006) who propose that effective teaching involves all these approaches (p. 163). Hodgson (2010) describes the sharing of success criteria with the children in a Primary classroom as a key AfL strategy and is linked directly with feedback. Black and Harrison agree with this point in their summary of what they believe are the essential factors of effective feedback: should motivate the child to discuss his or her thoughts with the teacher or a peer (p. 12) in order to initiate the self-development of the child encourages instantaneous action relates back to the success criteria (p. 13) Allows learners to compare their own ideas of achievement against that of the teacher or peer Indicates to the child where to go for help and what they can do to improve (p. 13) (Black Harrison, 2004) Leakey (2001) carried out a study where she reported on her own experiences with experimenting with sharing learning objectives and success criteria with children of a range of ages and believes it to be a successful AfL strategy because it gives children ownership of their own learning (p. 68). Leakey also suggests that it is only with the insight of what it is that they are trying to achieve can children are able to make connections with any feedback that they subsequently receive. Koegh and Naylor (1996) delivered a lecture at Manchester Metropolitan University sharing their ideas that: Constructivist views of learning in science suggest that learners can only make sense of new situations in terms of their existing understanding. Prior knowledge is used by learners to interpret observations; meaning is constructed by individuals in a process of adding to or modifying their existing ideas. (Keogh Naylor, 1996) and cited the works of others who share the same view (Driver (1983); Osbourne Freyberg (1985) and Scott (1987)). The inferences behind the constructivist theory relating to education are that the teacher is required to find out childrens ideas (elicitation) in order to take them into consideration when planning their teaching to provide teaching and learning experiences which will develop the childrens ideas and challenge their understanding of a specific area. Within science education, there has been a great deal of research into the benefits of using constructivism as a method of AfL with many teachers appreciating the concept of constructivism within the science classroom. Curriculum resources have been developed along with specific research including the (Science Processes and Concept Exploration (SPACE) project (1990-92) and as a result research by Nuffield Primary Science who have used this research to develop many pedagogical aids and teaching resources for teachers within the classroom. However, Bentley and Watts (1991) discussed their concerns that there is a distinction between what they define as the strong characteristics of theoretical constructivism and the ability of teachers to apply it to their teaching resulting in a weak version of constructivism that is delivered in the classroom. Leeds (1992) describes that although teachers find it easier to plan activities following an elicitation session where learners preconceived ideas have been identified, the practicalities of tailoring an inclusive education where all childrens learning issues relating to a specific area is near impossible when faced with a class of 30 differing ideas. In relation to the difference between the amount of research into the benefits of a constructivist approach to teaching and the teaching resources and pedagogical guidance available, Claxton (1986) described the mountain of examples of childrens alternative conceptions (p. 126) which were available at that time and noted that the guidance for teachers on how to restructure the learners ideas was less prominent in the literature. More recent research also focuses more closely on the elicitation of ideas, but much less is written about methods and techniques which allow teachers to restructure these ideas as a whole class exercise. The aim of the SPACE project was to: start where the children are, building on the ideas children bring with them to lessons and helping them to develop their understanding of scientific concepts. (Nuffield Foundation) Nuffield Primary Science developed a series of books covering the Science Curriculum, which included many misconceptions of children in each area along with examples of concept cartoons and examples of activities that could be used in order to restructure the highlighted misconceptions and develop childrens thinking, in order to aid teachers within the classroom to enable children to test out their own ideas through practical hands-on activities and investigations. These publications are now unfortunately out of print; however the reports relating to the SPACE project continue to be available from the Nuffield website (Nuffield Primary Science). The use of specific strategies such as concept cartoons (Keogh Naylor, 2000) and mind mapping (Stow, 1997) introduce researched methods of elicitation within the science classroom and offer an effective way of concluding any project where children can revisit the original idea and discuss how and why they have developed throughout the study period. However, teachers require the flexibility and space within the curriculum in order to effectively put these theories into practice in order that the benefits can be maximised. AfL will only be successful when both teachers and children are committed to its process and where both use it as a method for developing current learning and developing and expanding their skills and knowledge base. This idea is supported by the following: Assessment for learning only works if pupils and teachers take action on learning needs. (Ward, Roden, Hewlett, Foreman, 2005) Black and William best summarise the use of AfL within the classroom as follows: There is a body of firm evidence that formative assessment is an essential feature of classroom work and that development of it can raise standards. We know of no other way of raising standards for which such a strong prima facie case can be made on the basis of evidence of such large learning gains. (Black William, 1998)
Friday, October 25, 2019
robert the bruce :: essays research papers
Appeals of the Seven Earls, in Anglo - Scottish Relations 1174 - 1328, ed. and trans. by E. à à à à à L. G. Stones, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1965) Baigent, Michael and Leigh, Richard, The Temple and the Lodge (New York: Arcade à à à à à Publishing, Inc, 1989) Balliol, John, 'Defiance' By King of Scotland, in Anglo - Scottish Relations 1174 - 1328, à à à à à ed. and trans. by E. L. G. Stones, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1965) Barrow, G. W. S., Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland, (Berkely: à à à à à University of California Press, 1965) Bingham, Caroline, The Kings and Queens of Scotland, (New York: Taplinger à à à à à Publishing Company, 1976) Bull of Pope Gregory [4 Jan. 1235], in Anglo - Scottish Relations 1174 - 1328, ed. and à à à à à trans. by E. L. G. Stones, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1965) Bull of Pope Innocent IV [ 6 Apr. 1251], in Anglo - Scottish Relations 1174 - 1328, ed. and à à à à à trans. by E. L. G. Stones, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1965) Charter of King Richard, in Anglo - Scottish Relations 1174 - 1328, ed. and trans. by E. L. à à à à à G. Stones, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1965) Cowan, Samuel, J.P., Life of the Princess Margaret Queen of Scotland 1070 - 1093, à à à à à (Newcastle-on-Tyne, Mawson Swan and Morgan Limited, 1911) Dart, J., Westmonasterium or the Histories and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. à à à à à Peters, Westminister. 2 vols, (London, 1723), iii, Chap. 1, p. 12, quoted in Michael à à à à à Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple and the Lodge (New York: Arcade à à à à à Publishing, Inc, 1989) Declaration By the Clergy of Scotland, in Anglo - Scottish Relations 1174 - 1328, ed. and à à à à à trans. by E. L. G. Stones, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1965) The Declaration of Arbroath, in Scottish Historical Documents, Gordon Donaldson, à à à à à ed.,(Edinburgh & London: Scottish Academic Press, 1974) Edward I, Judgement Upon the Petitions, in Anglo - Scottish Relations 1174 - 1328, ed. à à à à à and trans. by E. L. G. Stones, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1965) Homage of the King of Scotland [1278], in Anglo - Scottish Relations 1174 - 1328, ed. and à à à à à trans. by E. L. G. Stones, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1965) Knappen, M. M. , Constitutional and Legal History of England (New York: Harcourt, à à à à à Brace, and Company, 1942)à à à à à Letter of King John of Scotland, in Anglo - Scottish Relations 1174 - 1328, ed. and trans. à à à à à by E. L. G. Stones, (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Gke Task 2
Literature, Arts and the Humanities Romanticism and Realism 02-01-2010 Romanticism and Realism are two very different periods in literary and art history. Although both periods completely disagreed with each other they were a result of the social and economic revolt. Romanticism was an artistic, literary and social movement that originated in the second half of the eighteenth century in Western Europe. The French revolution laid the background for this era as people wanted to get an escape from the confines of daily life.This late era gained momentum in reaction to the Industrial Revolution. Many revolted against higher society and the political aspect of the time. The movement put a new outlook on difficult emotions such as fear and terror. Romanticism was known as a new revival of the medievalism as certain elements of the era are seen as a way to escape the new bustling world and ever populating cities in Europe. This era also attempted to embrace the exotic and the unfamiliar by using the imagination to escape. Although Romanticism began in Germany its effects were seen through the world.This influential era reached America in the early nineteenth century and was just as diverse as the movement that was quickly transitioning in the Western Europe. A modern characteristic of romanticism could be considered misunderstood and anything that may differentiate from the trends of life. Many scholars have different opinions on the characteristics of Romanticism as some believe it is a beginning of a tradition of resistance to the enlightenment and other believe it is a direct result of the French Revolution.Charles Baudelaire was quoted as characterizing romanticism as ââ¬Å"precisely situated neither in choice of subject nor exact truth but in the way of feelingâ⬠This era emphasized intuition and imagination that has led many to believe that romantic thinking is simply irrational and crosses the line of what is acceptable thinking in and of the world during this era. In art most found a recurring theme from criticism of the past. Often artist would use woman and children in their works to depict the new pure nature. A famous artist from the Romanticism period named Thomas Cole epicted a Manââ¬â¢s journey through life in his ââ¬Å"Voyage through Lifeâ⬠series. This exceptional expression of art shows a struggle of survival through an immense nature, from birth to death. The realism period made its mark in history from 1830 to 1870. Realismââ¬â¢s main principle was considered to be more of a way of thinking instead of a movement that involved a large culture. Realism went against everything Classicism and Romanticism had so strongly emphasized accusing the movement of being blind to the real world and not depicting the beauty in everyday life.This late 19th century movement took all of the elements that could falsify or bring a cloudy view to the true life hardships and successes out of art to show the beauty of real life Re alism came to France in the late 1840ââ¬â¢s with democracy in mind. The English focused realism on social liberation of the middle and lower class by taking a stand against materialistic views from the Royal Academy. Artist during the realism period focused on optic effects and lighting and how it affected everyday life. Artist believed that Science held the key to solving the problems that every day life brought fourth.As a result, a tendency flourished among realists to produce paintings that reflected the everyday mental experiences of contemporary life. This included abstract concepts such as cultures, problems and customs which tended to focus specifically on the immediate surrounds of the artist and thusly include objects and people traditionally not considered of any artistic merit. (ââ¬Å"A Short history,â⬠) Romanticism was the sugar coated escape for the reality occurring around people in the late 18th century however Realism went completely against what romanticis m held to be so important in its period.The Realism period provided a scientific answer for the imbalance in society caused but the Romantic views of people in the late 18th century. Realism showed how important it was to appreciate everyday life and the works that contributed to your society as Romanticism tended to rebel against all political and social influences of the time period. Realism waged a metaphorical battle against any art that depicted emotions or romanticism. Realism seemed to fade when the Impressionism period came to light. This period has some similarities to realism.The Impressionism period reflected a more extended version of realism. Impressionism was more scenic and landscape but still focused on using everyday life as the basis of the art. . Francisco Goyaââ¬â¢s performed etchings such as his work ââ¬Å"The Sleep of reasonâ⬠he believed art should reflect the way the world was without illusion. (ââ¬Å"Learn about realism,â⬠) These periods broug ht us great writers such as Edgar Allen Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne and artist such as Eugene Delacroix that have greatly influenced the artist and writers of today.Although both periods completely disagreed with each other they were both a result of the social and economic situation that was in need of a solution. Bibliography Learn about realism. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. arthistory-famousartists-paintings. com/Realism. html A Short history on realism. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. frontpainting. com/famous-paintings-realism. html Honour, H. (1974). Romanticism. New York, New York: Westview press .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Decreasing Animal Euthanasia
Animal Euthanasia is looked at in many different aspects and can be seen as a beneficial act or completely evil. Some may need to euthanize their animal for health issues, while others are just euthanizing their animal because they can't take care of them and nobody is willing to adopt. Euthanasia occurs daily, with innocent animals losing their lives because of our local animal shelters being over-crowded. Why is this? Well, many adopters are not responsible enough to take care of their animals in general, along with getting them spayed and neutered. Approximately 5 to 7 millions animals enter animal shelters annually, and about 3 to 4 million end up euthanized. (ASPCA, n. d. ) This is a prime example of a huge issue that needs to be paid attention to. These animals are having to lose their lives not because they are cruel, dangerous animals, but simply that our shelters are not big enough, and our adoption rates aren't high enough, and adoptive families aren't being forced to get their pets spayed and neutered to slow down the animal population. Spaying and neutering your pet will decrease the amount of euthanasia occurring in not only our hometown shelters, but throughout the United States as well. Adoptive families have the normal application along with reference checks and landlords if they are current renters. But is this enough to really know if someone is able to take care of an animal? Shouldn't there be a much more guided policy with strict enforcement on who adopts along with a signature to make sure at the right age, if applicable, they spay or neuter their newest addition to the family? We need to make a stand against how many animals go in and out of shelters and homes, then end up being killed because of a humans actions. It just isn't fair. Animal euthanasia occurs nationwide. Do you have an animal at home? Do you consider your pet a family member, or companion that you would be ashamed to lose? If you feel that way, its best to Decreasing Animal Euthanasia Page 3 be sure you spay and neuter your loved pets because if not, their liters could end up in the hands of wrong families, maybe not intentionally, but to families that may end up realizing they can't handle that pet, and bringing it to the shelter. Though it's only recommended that orphan animals stay a minimum of 5 days, before or after those 5 days that animal could be euthanized solely because of the caretaker, not that the animal was harmful or ill. (How Long.. Sleep? , n. d. ) According to the ASPCA, 60% of animals entering shelters in the United States are euthanized and around 4 million are euthanized simply because of shelter overcrowding. (Shelter, September, 2011. ) We have a huge issue here. This is the same as the homeless people we have on the streets today, its only going to progress! We need to take a stand and make shelter for these animals. We need to expand our shelters, and if not, maybe start spay and neuter clinics for a very low cost so more people can willingly come get their animals fixed to slow down the population of animals born each day. With almost 5,000,000 pets being destroyed annually, 13,700 daily, 570 hourly, and 10 animals each minute, within the time it took just to read part of this paper, multiple animals have been euthaniased. Animal League, n. d. ) Now think, if majority of those animals or at least half had been spayed and neutered, that would have led those numbers to be split in half, all because of a simple spay and neuter process that adoptive families are slacking to accomplish out of lack of concern. If the plan is to not spay or neuter your animal, plan to treat that animal as your own blood. When that animal ends up pregnant, the responsbility comes back on you. Same as the pregnancies today. Females take a birth control to avoid unwanted pregnancies, thats the pet owners responsibility to keep their animal from pregnancy as they can't go to the vet and pay to get it done themselves! After doing some research I have found that there are other supporters other than myself trying to make an end to this animal euthanasia for innocent animals. Fosterspot. com is a website that was Decreasing Animal Euthanasia Page 4 designed for stopping euthanasia to healthy animals and making this website a nation-wide network of fostering families. I thought this was a great idea because of the fact that some adoptive families are picky for what type of cat or dog for example they are looking for. On this website, people not only from our hometown would know what we have at our local shelters, but anyone interested in certain types of animals could see where they were available! Not only can we just simply adopt to stop euthanasia and its daily occurrences, we could also try to have a local fundraiser or charity fund to expand our local shelter. We would speak to the president of the animal shelter and work together with the shelter on this. If expansion wasn't a possibility, we could also help by spreading the word of adoption, along with being a volunteer at your local shelter if time permits. Any help in the humane society field would help! Also, helping fund/collect animal food so the shelter can put more money towards expansion or other plans that are more costly. Another big issue and something to promote, is getting adoptive families to spay and neuter their animals. Yes, its true that spay and neutering your animals is not cheap, though many people don't know that there are alternatives and ways to receive low-cost spaying and neutering. The Humane Society of The United States promotes a low cost alternative on their website where you can enter your zip code to find places close to you. (Humane Society of The United States, n. d) Luckily, our community of Waterville in Maine has our local humane society that offers low-cost spaying and neutering prices! If we could get the word out there on how crucial it is for families to bring their pets in for this procedure, not only would this help euthanasia statistics, but also the adoptive families in the long run of dealing with a pregnant female dog or cat in their household! They then would have to deal with a liter and getting rid of them, which isn't always as easy as people presume it to be! Spaying and neutering household pets not only keeps away from unwanted pregnancies, but has Decreasing Animal Euthanasia Page 5 other benefits as well! This keeps animals alive longer, have a healthier life, along with saving the adoptive family from frustration as well. Things like breast cancer or dangerous uterine infections in females or testicular cancer in males can be reduced or eliminated all together. Also, messy heat cycles in female animals aren't a very joyous experience. Yet many people complain of the cost of getting animals spayed and neutered but getting pets spayed and neutered will eliminate that extra expence for food or vet services in the event of an unexpected liter of kittens or puppies. So whats more worth it? Finding a low cost clinic and getting pets spayed and neutered or waiting for pregnancy to happen which in turn can be ten times the amount of a simple spay and neuter procedure! Following spaying and neutering household pets, its also important to make sure the animal can be identified because sometimes animals stray away and end up not coming home, which in turn either the foster family looks for the animal and calls local shelters if the animal has been found, or they just aren't concerned. This in turn also causes overcrowding in shelters, due to lack of care on the families end. Making sure that these pets are wearing an identification tag, including the foster families name, address and phone number would eliminate that part of the animals being put in shelters. Also, don't assume that indfoor pets don't need tags because many strays in shelters actually are told to be indoor animals that escaped. (Animal Shelter Euthanasia) One thing that I think I will always wonder if why animal euthanasia is legal, but human euthanasia is not. We don't take our homeless population and kill them because there is no place for them to go. Euthanizing an animal who is suffering and should be put out of misery is fine, but a human is not? If someone is suffering so much no matter from what the circumstances may be, we are either drugging the patient up to not feel the pain as much, or just letting them deal with it everyday. Euthanasia in humans is not permitted, even in the most extreme cases, though animals are being euthanized for simply having no place to stay, or being cramped in a kennel. It makes me think of Decreasing Animal Euthanasia Page 6 something like suicide and how people have to suffer to end their lives, or suffer simply in a hospital bed getting infused with all kinds of drugs. Whats the point of life when you've reached those limits? If animal euthanasia is permitted, I believe human euthanasia should too. Working in the medical field and pursuing my degree as a registered nurse, I see many patients suffer and their lives being just a miserable mess, along with the family dealing with seeing their loved ones suffer. Sure, some people have to suffer in order to get better, and then they can be back to normal some day, though others may not ever be able to communicate again, to walk again. I think with our freedom we have today, we should have the right to be euthanized if we are in severe sufferage and prefer to just go on to the after life. We are the voice for these animals though. We are their protectors and we are the ones who have to make their decisions. Euthanizing an animal simply because it would cause crowding in shelters, or because of adoptive families not following through on getting the pet spayed and neutered is just disturbing. I think that if we take these steps together, along with having others proceed on this issue with us, there will be more awareness and more information put out there. It truly is the only way to really get something across is to spread the word, and never give up on your beliefs and your goals and achievements. These innocent animals deserve a life just as you or I do. We all have one precious life, and once its taken, we never can get it back. People may not look at animals as an importance, but they are here for reasons, just as we as humans are. Animal euthanasia is immoral and wrong and I know that if you feel as strongly about animals as I do, you will do whats in your will power to help decrease animal euthanasia in your community. Wither you can make a big impact, or small, it really all balances out and everyone matters. It's about coming together and making a change for the better. So today is the day to take a stand and make a change. Go and get your pet spayed and neutered along with spreading the word and letting others know the importance of this matter. In the end it benefits more than just the Decreasing Animal Euthanasia Page 7 animal, but also yourself as you can be rest assured you made your impact on this issue.Reference Page Animal Shelter Euthanasia. (n.d.). Retrieved from ASPCA | Pet Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from How Long Do Animal Shelters Keep Animals Before Putting Them to Sleep? | eHow. (n.d.). Retrieved from Reducing Euthanasia ââ¬â North Shore Animal League America. (n.d.). Retrieved from Shelter Animal Euthanasia Could End With Help From National Foster Home Network ââ¬â CYPRESS, Texas, Sept. 14, 2011 /PRNewswire/ ââ¬â. (n.d.). Retrieved from You Can Afford to Have Your Pet Spayed or Neutered : The Humane Society of the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How western Imperilism affects china and japan
How western Imperilism affects china and japan CopyrightsI am handing over the copyrights to Jen Shriver upon doing so you accept this .Thank youMike SorrentinoOct. 23, 1996How Western Imperialism affects China and JapanChina and Japan had very different experiences with Western Imperialism . Their reactions to western interference would lay a foundation for their destiny in a world that was rapidly progressing forward , leaving the traditional world behind .China viewed themselves as totally self sufficient , superior , and the only truly civilized land in a barbarous world. They were inward looking and were encouraged by the conservative Confucianistic beliefs of their emperors to cling to the ancient and traditional ways of the past . They slid rapidly behind in industrial development , refusing to acknowledge the need for shipbuilding or naval development , and saw no importance in European trade .Then in the 1800's , Europe thrust its way into the heart of the Middle Kingdom, shattering and destroying its isolation forever.E nglish: Japan_China_Peace_Treaty_17_April_1895.China would then be involved in four wars during the nineteenth century ; Britain's opium war (1839-1842), a second war (1856-1860) fought by British and French , the Sino-Japanese war (1894-1895) , and a final western invasion involving British , French , German , Japanese and U.S troops (1899-1900). Chinese Emperors were compelled to sign unequal treaties and were forced to open a number of ports , as well as agree to other territorial concessions . China was also forced to open its seacoasts and its rivers to Western intruders . The Europeans also exploited China's land by securing rights to build railways and develop its natural resources .China had been unwilling to learn the ways of the West and so became the next victim to fall prey to Western Imperialism , Japan however,
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hospital Scrubbing Solution
Hospital Scrubbing Solution PICO question: For developing countries experiencing high rates of hospital-acquired infections (nosocomial infections), will the use of preventive measures as compared to many antiseptic scrubbing solutions decrease the rates of infections among patients.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hospital Scrubbing Solution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Population (P) Hospitals in the developing countries The target population in this project is based on the fact that it is well documented that nosocomial infections, which contribute to high rates of morbidity and mortality are a major problem in hospitals around the world particularly in the developing countries (Hugh, 2007). According to the World Health Organization (2012), hospital-acquired infections cause preventable diseases such as urinary tract infections, diarrhea, maternal and newborn infections, pneumonia, post-operative infections, and even death in developin g countries. Accordingly, the World Health Organization (2012) notes that the rates of nosocomial infections are high in developing countries due to poor infection prevention strategies and lack of supervision among other factors. Therefore, nosocomial infections still remain to be a major problem in developing countries, which should be addressed accordingly. Intervention (I) ââ¬â The use of infection prevention measures Following the foregoing discussions, it is notable that one of the major factors contributing to the prevalence of high rates of nosocomial infections in developing countries is poor infection prevention practices. As a result, to address the problem of nosocomial infections in most hospitals across the developing world, there is the need to encourage the use of infection prevention practices. Some of the widely used practices include risk stratification, hand decontamination, sterilization, safe injection practices, use of protective clothing, and cleaning hos pital environment among others (World Health Organization, 2012). For the ICU where the rate of CR-BSIs is relatively higher, it is recommended that the use of antibiotic lock therapy, quinolone prophylaxis, and/or the use of antimicrobial-impregnated catheters could influence susceptibility to CR-BSIs, which have been shown to affect the use of antimicrobial therapy.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In fact, it is recommended that adherence to preventive practices that have been shown to reduce the risk of nosocomial infections should be encouraged in all ICUs (Vajpayee, 2010). Control (C) ââ¬â Many antiseptic scrubbing solutions Most of the antiseptic scrubbing solutions, which are in use currently including isopropyl alcohol, chlorhexidine gluconate, iodophors, and chlorhexidine, have certain disadvantages despite their efficacy in either killing or removing bac teria from various surfaces. As a result, to find out how infection prevention practices will fair against these scrubbing solutions, it is important to have them as controls in this project. Accordingly, it is hypothesized that the best method for controlling and/or eliminating nosocomial infections in developing countries will be the use of infection prevention practices as outlined in the foregoing discussions. Outcome (O) ââ¬â Decreasing the rate of nosocomial infections The ultimate goal for this project entails addressing the issue of high rates of nosocomial infections in developing countries, which will culminate into the decrease of the said rates of hospital-acquired infections. However, to achieve this goal and outcome, it is imperative to note that the World Health Organization (2012) has identified certain practical guidelines that should be followed in the prevention of hospital-acquired infections. For instance, before implementing any infection prevention measure , it is recommended that one should start by defining the epidemiology of nosocomial infections within a given area followed by the development of the infection control pragrammes and infection surveillance, which will then give way to dealing with outbreaks and finally, the implementation of infection prevention practices as outlined in the foregoing discussions. References Hugh, M. G. (2007). Complications in Cutaneous Surgery. New York: Springer.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hospital Scrubbing Solution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Vajpayee, D. (2010). Phacoemulsification Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee Publishers. World Health Organization. (2012). Prevention of hospital-acquired infections: A practical guide (2nd ed.). The World Health Organization. Retrieved from
Sunday, October 20, 2019
10 Facts About the Element Iodine (Atomic Number 53 or I)
10 Facts About the Element Iodine (Atomic Number 53 or I) Iodine is element 53 on the periodic table, with element symbol I. Iodine is an element you encounter in iodized salt and some dyes. A small amount of iodine is essential for nutrition, while too much is toxic. Here are facts about this interesting, colorful element. The Name Iodine comes from the Greek word iodes, which means violet. Iodine vapor is violet-colored. The element was discovered in 1811 by French chemist Bernard Courtois. Courtois discovered iodine by accident while he was making saltpeter for use in the Napoleonic Wars. Making saltpeter required sodium carbonate. To get sodium carbonate, Courtois burned seaweed, washed the ash with water, and added sulfuric acid to remove contaminants. Courtois discovered adding an excess of sulfuric acid produced a cloud of purple vapor. While Courtois believed the vapor was a previously unknown element, he couldnt afford to research it, so he offered samples of the gas to his friends, Charles Bernard Desormes and Nicolas Clement. They characterized the new material and made Courtois discovery public. Isotopes Many isotopes of iodine are known. All of them are radioactive except for I-127, which is the only isotope found in nature. Because there is only one natural isotope of iodine, its atomic weight is precisely known, rather than an average of isotopes like most elements. Color and Other Properties Solid iodine is blue-black in color, with a metallic sheen. At ordinary temperatures and pressures, iodine sublimates into its violet gas, so the liquid form is not seen. The color of iodine follows a trend seen in the halogens: they appear progressively darker as you move down the group of the periodic table. This trend happens because the wavelengths of light absorbed by the elements increases due to the behavior of the electrons. Iodine is slightly soluble in water and more soluble in nonpolar solvents. Its melting point and boiling point are the highest of the halogens. The bond between atoms in the diatomic molecule is the weakest in the element group. Halogen Iodine is a halogen, which is a type of non-metal. It is located beneath fluorine, chlorine, and bromine on the periodic table, making it the heaviest stable element in the halogen group. Thyroid The thyroid gland uses iodine to make the hormones thyroxine and triiodotyronine. Insufficient iodine leads to development of a goiter, which is a swelling of the thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency is believed to be the leading preventable cause of mental retardation. Excessive iodine symptoms are similar to those of iodine insufficiency. Iodine toxicity is more severe if a person has a selenium deficiency. Compounds Iodine occurs in compounds and as the diatomic molecule I2. Medical Purpose Iodine is used extensively in medicine. However, some people develop a chemical sensitivity to iodine. Sensitive individuals may develop a rash when swabbed with tincture of iodine. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock has resulted from medical exposure to iodine. Food Source Natural food sources of iodine are seafood, kelp and plants grown in iodine-rich soil. Potassium iodide often is added to table salt to produce iodized salt. Atomic Number The atomic number of iodine is 53, meaning all atoms of iodine possess 53 protons. Commercial Source Commercially, iodine is mined in Chile and extracted from iodine-rich brine, notably from the oilfields in the US and Japan. Prior to this, iodine was extracted from kelp. Iodine Element Fast Facts Element Name: IodineElement Symbol: IAtomic Number: 53Atomic Weight: 126.904Group: Group 17 (Halogens)Period: Period 5Appearance: Metallic blue-black solid; violet gasElectron Configuration: [Kr] 4d10à 5s2à 5p5Melting Point: 386.85à Kà ââ¬â¹(113.7à à °C, ââ¬â¹236.66à à °F)Boiling Point: 457.4à K ââ¬â¹(184.3à à °C, ââ¬â¹363.7à à °F) Sources Davy, Humphry (1 January 1814). Some Experiments and Observations on a New Substance Which Becomes a Violet Coloured Gas by Heat. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 104: 74. doi:10.1098/rstl.1814.0007Emsley, John (2001). Natures Building Blocks (Hardcover, First ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 244ââ¬â250. ISBN 0-19-850340-7.Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 0-08-037941-9.Swain, Patricia A. (2005). Bernard Courtois (1777ââ¬â1838) famed for discovering iodine (1811), and his life in Paris from 1798 (PDF). Bulletin for the History of Chemistry. 30 (2): 103.Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The U.S. Involvement with Haiti Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The U.S. Involvement with Haiti - Essay Example cial and residential building were severely or totally collapsed, including thousands of schools, hundreds of hospitals, university building, factories, telephone networks, roads etc were all totally destroyed. Infrastructure necessary to respond to the disaster was also severely damaged including all the hospitals in the northwest including air, sea and land transport facilities and all the communication systems. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in America and it was totally impossible for Haitian government to cope with the damage of such scale. United States was the biggest and most powerful country in that region and being the most powerful nation on earth they have the responsibility of taking the leading role in helping Haiti to come over that disaster. Luckily United States government knows this responsibility well enough and they were the first ones to came forward and respond to this disaster. United States government and United States civil organizations provided millions of dollars to help the people of Haiti right after the disaster took place and they planned to give much more in the coming days. United States immediately send search and rescue teams to give help to those who need them immediately. But the damage being done by earthquake was so huge that it is going to take several months or even years to rebuild the infrastructure and make things normal again and this is wh at US government exactly understood, the US government said that they were in it for the long haul as it is going to take years to bring things on the normal course again. United States government had signed an agreement with UN to formalize the help process, it give United States responsibility and control over ports, roads, airports. They also have been given responsibility to make Haitian authorities responsible for law and order. There are thousands of US troops in Haiti to take part in rescue and rebuild process. US is also controlling Haitiââ¬â¢s collapsed president
Friday, October 18, 2019
Shakespeare in Love Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Shakespeare in Love - Movie Review Example This essay considers background information related to the film Shakespeare in Love, including plot, and presents a general critique of various filmic aspects. The film itself is set in 1593 Europe and as indicated occurs during the time period when William Shakespeare was writing Romeo and Juliet. The play begins presenting two competing theatres and extends into other dramatic elements. Researchers have analyzed the play and noted the two central cruces to by the need to get a play produced and the extent that the play will be able to truly articulate the concept of love. In addition, Huntley has considered how the play presents the underlining human drive of desire and love, as articulated in the romance that occurs between Shakespeare and Viola, and the complications presented by Lord Wessex. Shakespeare is indicated to be working for The Rose Theatre. Geoffrey Rush plays Philip Henslowe who is the owner of the theatre. While he has constructed a play titled Romeo and Ethel, the Pirateââ¬â¢s Daughter, upon learning that his love interest has cheated on him with another man he rewrites the play as Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare begins to hold auditions for the lead roles in the play. One of the people that audition for Romeo is Gwyneth Paltrowââ¬â¢s character Viola de Lesseps; however, she is disguised as a man. Shakespeare begins a relationship with Viola after discovering her true identity. In many regards, their relationship resembles that of the fictional relationship of Romeo and Juliet in that in many regards it seems doomed to fail. For instance, Shakespeare is already married, and Violaââ¬â¢s family intends for her to marry a wealthy aristocrat named Lord Wessex. During this time another famed playwright, Christopher Marlowe is featured who offers Shakespeare various types of advice. Soon Shakespeare and Viola find themselves in front of the Queen and make a bet that a player cannot be written that captures the true nature of love. Shakespear e works to present Romeo and Juliet as the true essence of love.
Smokers vs. non-smokers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Smokers vs. non-smokers - Essay Example They observed ETS-associated increases in heart rate and, more weakly, in DBP, consistent with increases in sympathetic stimulation. Ultrafine particles are associated with oxidative stress, as well as with reduced HRV. In conclusion, the study contributed to the evidence that exposure to second-hand smoke increases cardiac risk through cardiac autonomic dysfunction. Protection from passive smoking can benefit health. on changes in cardiac autonomic function, specifically, in a commercial airport as measured by HR and HRV in a panel of adult nonsmokers. The authors suggested that altered cardiac autonomic function, as reflected by decrements in HRV, may be part of the pathophysiologic mechanisms by which exposure to ETS leads to increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. Maziak et al (2005) mentioned that the exposure to ETS causes deleterious effects in the respiratory system of adults and children in Syria. Exposure to ETS was assessed from multiple self-reported indices combined into a composite score (maximum 22), while outcomes included both self-report (symptoms/ diagnosis of asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever), and objective indices (spirometric assessment of FEV1 and FVC). They evaluated the relation between ETS score and studied outcomes as well as the association between ETS exposure and respiratory health. The results indicated that there was a significant dose-response pattern in the relationship of ETS score with symptoms of asthma, hay fever, and bronchitis, but not with diagnoses of these outcomes. This study provided an evidence for the extensive exposure to ETS among adult nonsmokers in Syria, and its dose-response relationship with respiratory symptoms of infectious and noninfectious nature. It also called for an elaborate effort to increase awareness of this public health problem and to enforce regulations aimed at protecting non-smokers. Oncken et al (2002) evaluated
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Organisational Behaviour (Motivation in the Modern Business World) Coursework
Organisational Behaviour (Motivation in the Modern Business World) - Coursework Example Organisational contribution to employee motivation 14 4.1 Role of Organisational culture 14 4.2 Role of organisational systems 14 4.3 Role of leadership 16 5 Current issues and recommendations: 18 6 Conclusions 19 References Appendices Abstract This report explores the role of motivation on organizational behaviour. This is accomplished by understanding the concept of motivation and its implications on organization. A brief understanding of the two types, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has been obtained. Different motivational theories categorized under content and process theories have been explored. Implications of motivational theories on various management aspects such as employee performance, employee commitment, and organisational performance have been explored by applying content and process theories through specific case studies obtained from the literature. Further, role of organizational aspects such as organizational culture, systems and leadership on employee motivati on have been studied. ... roup dynamics that constantly interact with each other and consequently result in specific outcomes that can have positive and/or negative impact on the individuals as well as organisations. Considering this, workplace motivation has been extensively studied in the present context beginning with its definition and including types and theories of motivation. This report outlines various theories of motivation and their implications on employees. In the process, impact of motivation on individual performance, organisational performance, and employee commitment has been reviewed by applying few case study examples. Further, role of organisational systems, culture, and leadership have been critically assessed in creating workplace motivation for employees. 2. Motivation in organisational behaviour and its definition Organisational behavior considers peopleââ¬â¢s behavior in the organisation, circumstances that create specific behavior, impact of peopleââ¬â¢s behavior on organisatio n, groups, and individuals. Organisations are major part of sociological entities that shape the societies, economies and relationships between different companies, and countries. The extent of such impact is dependent upon their performance, which is determined by their systems, processes, technology, and most importantly employee motivation. Wilson and Rosenfeld (1990) explain that motivation is one of the earliest concerns of organisational behaviour and links between a motivated workforce and increased performance led managers to strive toward ââ¬Ëmotivatingââ¬â¢ their workforces in an attempt to reduce alienation. Therefore, employee motivation is regarded as one of the key elements of organisational behavior. Motivation is defined as the process of arousing and sustaining goal-directed behavior
Research methods and Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Research methods and Skills - Essay Example been found to leach from plastic products, more so in high temperatures and basic or acidic conditions, such as during autoclaving.2 This becomes more alarming with the pressing problem of global warming.3 Food is also considered the most significant source of BPA exposure worldwide. In fact, BPA has already been detected in almost all of urine samples collected from USA.4 When BPA is imbibed, it is metabolized by the liver into BPA glucuronide, which is excreted through the urine.5 BPA is an estrogenic monomer that binds weakly to nuclear estrogen receptors. In fact, its binding to estrogen receptors is 1000 ââ¬â 10, 000-fold lower than the natural hormone E2.6 Currently, it is now polymerized to make polycarbonate plastic, which is now extensively used in the manufacture of food and beverage cans and dental materials. The potency of BPA partly results from the low dose needed to produce a physiologic response. This is because the activation of the effector is longer than the actual hormone-receptor binding, or the number of receptors is greater than the number of molecules. Thus, despite the low affinity of BPA to the receptor, low concentrations still initiate a response. In fact, the linear concentration between receptor occupancy and hormone concentration is preserved only up to 10% receptor occupancy. Above this, saturation of response occurs first, and saturation of receptor follows.7 BPA mimics the activity of 17à ²-estradiol, posing a strong estrogenic activity. With just 10 ââ¬â 20 nM, it was seen to competitively bind to estrogen receptors, proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells, induction of progesterone receptors, and reversal estrogen action by tamoxifen. It induces proliferative and stimulatory changes in estrogen targets.8 There is a major concern to public health due to its high potential for human exposure and to its demonstrated toxicity (endocrine disruptor effect). A growing number of health experts and consumers are becoming concerned
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Ergonomics Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Ergonomics - Research Proposal Example Hence, a reasonable application of the principles of ergonomics diminishes the disorders and injuries caused due to repetitive motion, faulty posture and an over use of body muscles. This can be achieved by taking into consideration the physical abilities and concerns of the employees while fabricating various attributes of the workplace environment like tasks, hardware, space, lighting, controls, storage space, etc (MacLeod 2006). The primary concern of ergonomics is to optimally enhance the element of comfort at workplace so as to make way for maximum efficiency. Thus the human-machine interface at work should be so arranged so as to extend the desirable physical and mental comfort to the employees. This definitely enhances the efficiency and productivity at work by making the scheduled and general tasks relatively easier and facile. Therefore, ergonomics can play a positive role in bettering the scope of human resources in any institution and organization (Helander 2005). Though the advent of digital gadgets like the computers, fax machines, telephones, scanners, photocopiers, etc has added a measure of speed and accuracy to the work culture, such devices certainly have physical and mental issues associated with them. ... ning and faulty usage of digital gadgets could lead to a counterproductive compromising of the comfort associated with the back, shoulder, neck and wrist movements, which is so cardinal to the overall health and productivity of the employees (Wogalter 2006). In order to enable the individual employees to find out their desirable comfort zone, it is imperative for the digital hardware installed in the office to comply with ergonomic principles. In fact the manufacturers now days are trying their best to come out with the customized lines of ergonomic digital gadgets. Besides there is a growing awareness amongst the employers regarding the benefits of hardware ergonomics (Stein et al 2006). A more then average initiative is being taken by the manufacturers and the organizations to incorporate the elements of cutting-edge ergonomics at work to reduce stress, to stimulate productivity and to diminish employee absenteeism. Introducing ergonomics in the designing of office furniture and di gital gadgets like offering adjustable chairs with lumbar support, right sized desks, adjustable keyboards, trackballs, good lighting, low glare monitors can do wonders for the work environment in an office (Alexander 2006).2.0 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT The purpose of this report is to redesign a workplace for two employees (124cmx75cm), in coherence with the principles of ergonomics (Picture 1). The office under consideration is equipped with an array of digital gadgets and furniture like computers, printer, coffee maker, cupboards, desks, chairs, which are not placed in compliance with the employee comfort. There is no denying the fact that digital gadgets though being efficiency multipliers have physical and mental issues associated with them,
Research methods and Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Research methods and Skills - Essay Example been found to leach from plastic products, more so in high temperatures and basic or acidic conditions, such as during autoclaving.2 This becomes more alarming with the pressing problem of global warming.3 Food is also considered the most significant source of BPA exposure worldwide. In fact, BPA has already been detected in almost all of urine samples collected from USA.4 When BPA is imbibed, it is metabolized by the liver into BPA glucuronide, which is excreted through the urine.5 BPA is an estrogenic monomer that binds weakly to nuclear estrogen receptors. In fact, its binding to estrogen receptors is 1000 ââ¬â 10, 000-fold lower than the natural hormone E2.6 Currently, it is now polymerized to make polycarbonate plastic, which is now extensively used in the manufacture of food and beverage cans and dental materials. The potency of BPA partly results from the low dose needed to produce a physiologic response. This is because the activation of the effector is longer than the actual hormone-receptor binding, or the number of receptors is greater than the number of molecules. Thus, despite the low affinity of BPA to the receptor, low concentrations still initiate a response. In fact, the linear concentration between receptor occupancy and hormone concentration is preserved only up to 10% receptor occupancy. Above this, saturation of response occurs first, and saturation of receptor follows.7 BPA mimics the activity of 17à ²-estradiol, posing a strong estrogenic activity. With just 10 ââ¬â 20 nM, it was seen to competitively bind to estrogen receptors, proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells, induction of progesterone receptors, and reversal estrogen action by tamoxifen. It induces proliferative and stimulatory changes in estrogen targets.8 There is a major concern to public health due to its high potential for human exposure and to its demonstrated toxicity (endocrine disruptor effect). A growing number of health experts and consumers are becoming concerned
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
BP vs Exxon Essay Example for Free
BP vs Exxon Essay The BP oil spill is the most resent oil incident. The oil spill was really big and caused a lot of mess and damage to nature. It killed a lot of animals and fish and made the water dangerous. BP says that they were working hard to clean the oil up. They were taking a really long time. BP has responded to todays US Government report into last years Deepwater Horizon accident, it says it agrees with its core conclusion, consistent with every other official investigation that the accident was the result of multiple causes, involving multiple parties, including Transocean and Halliburton. From the outset, BP acknowledged their role in the accident and has taken big steps to further enhance safety and risk management throughout its global operations, including the implementation of new voluntary standards and practices in the Gulf of Mexico that exceed current regulatory requirements and strengthen the oversight of contractors. A lot of different dirty oily thing was all over the beaches. Tar balls washed onto Gulf of Mexico beaches from Tropical Storm Lee shows that oil left over from 2 years BP spill isnt breaking down as quickly as some scientists thought it would. Auburn University experts who studied tar samples at the request of coastal leaders said the latest wave of gooey balls and chunks appeared really fresh, smelled strongly and were barley changed chemically from the weathered oil that collected on Gulf beaches during the spill. The study concluded that mats of oil, not weathered tar, which is harder and contains fewer hydrocarbons , are still submerged on the bottom of the sea and could pose a long-term risk to coastal ecosystems. BP didnt immediately comment on the study, but the company added a lot of cleanup crews and extended their hours after large patches of tar balls polluted the white sand at Gulf Shores and Orange Beach starting maybe around Sept. 6. Tar balls also washed on shore in Pensacola, Fla. Which is to the east and was farther from the storms path. Marine scientist, George Crozier, said the findings make sense because submerged oil degrades slowly due to the relatively low amount of oxygen in the Gulf of mexicos sandy bottom. It eathered to some extent after it moved from southern Louisiana to Alabama but not much has happened to it since then, said Crozier, longtime director of the state sea laboratory at Dauphin Island. Crozier said remnants of the spill are economically toxic for tourism, but he doubts there is much of an environmental threat. The oil lingering on the seabed is of a consistency and chemical composition somewhere between crude oil and tar, he said. The company did not agree to a request by the city of Gulf Shores to expand the latest cleanup efforts to include big heavy machinery. Auburn studied tar balls that were dragged up by Lee at the request of the city of Orange Beach with outside funding from the city, the National Science Foundation and the Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium. The study wasnt reviewed by outside scientists before its release. The numbers dont lie, two weeks ago, a man named skimmers picked up roughly about 25,000 barrels of nasty dark oily water from the gulf of Mexico. On Thursday of two years ago, they gathered just about 200 barrels of the stuff thatââ¬â¢s killing the environment. Still, it doesnt mean that all the oil that gushed for weeks is gone. Thousands of small oil patches are still under the surface, but experts say an astonishing amount has disappeared, reabsorbed into the environment. On the other hand, Exxonââ¬â¢s oil spill was in 1989. The oil spill was really really big also. On March 24, 1989, the tanker Exxon Valdez, en route from Valdez, Alaska to Los Angeles, California, ran aground on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska. The ship was traveling outside normal shipping lanes in an attempt to avoid ice(but still ended up crashing). Within six hours of the grounding, the Exxon Valdez spilled approximately 10. 9 million gallons (wow thatââ¬â¢s a lot I bet the fishes was mad) of its 53 million gallon cargo of Prudhoe Bay crude oil. Eight of the eleven tanks on board were damaged. The oil would eventually impact over 1,100 miles of noncontiguous coastline in Alaska, making the Exxon Valdez the largest oil spill to date in U. S. waters. The response to the Exxon Valdez involved more personnel and equipment over a longer period of time than did any other spill in U. S. history. Logistical problems in providing fuel, meals, berthing, response equipment, waste management and other resources were one of the largest challenges to response management. At the worst part of the response, more than 11,000 personnel, 1,400 vessels and 85 aircraft were involved in the cleanup(but still didnââ¬â¢t get the job done right). It killed lots of animals.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Psychological Factors of Bilingualism
Psychological Factors of Bilingualism Table of Contents (Jump to) Introduction Psychological factors of bilingualism ââ¬â Cognitive, Executive and Perception Based Challenges towards adopting bilingual learning in UAE and Recommendations Conclusion References Introduction Bilingualism is primarily concerned with use of twin languages in a country. This paper discusses the use of English and Arabic languages in UAE and how it related to the individual identity and psychology of people in UAE. This paper analyses the impact of bilingual habits and identity of an individual and the psychological adjustments that a person must make to a-fit himself or herself in a bicultural environment. In an environment where individuals have to adjust to more than one cultures and deal in more than one language, it has a very positive implication on the psychology of an individual leading to benefits such as multiple group loyalties, bilingual competence learning to impressive personalities and beneficial outcomes at work or career places through better mingling (Appel, 1987). Psychological factors of bilingualism ââ¬â Cognitive, Executive and Perception Based In a study conducted by Worall, children of age groups between four-six and six-nine were studied have monolingual and bilingual backgrounds of learning for their choices of phonetic and semantic words. It was observed during the study that the children, who had a bilingual approach, had a better understanding of semantic words in comparison to children who had a single language approach. The children with bilingual background reached at a semantic language learning advantage at least 2-3 years early than then singular language counterparts. This clearly states that bilingualism enhances language developmental aspects in an individualââ¬â¢s personality. It has also been established by Ellen and Hatuka in their study that the individuals who have a bilingual approach have a better thinking pattern and can think and work on more than one direction than the people who speak and understand only one language. So, the people in UAE who can understand and think in both languages, English and Arabic have a stronger chance of excelling as individuals in their own fields rather than people who can speak only Arabic. These people are able to control their mind better and work according to the grammatical as well as syntax requirements of the languages ââ¬â English and Arabic. This better understanding of languages leads to better awareness and increased power to control structures in an individual. Such people can better understand and control uncertainty and arbitrary aspects of objects (Hakuta, 1985). The people of UAE who observe the immersion and study of both languages ââ¬â English and Arabic ââ¬â from an early stage, are better able to think and act according to instructions in both languages and have a higher degree of cognitive development than their counterparts who have studied only in native language i.e. Arabic. Such individuals have a better understanding of concepts as a part of their personality and are able to better map the words and labels towards the concepts of life (Bialystok, 1987). These individuals also have a better functioning and understanding of executive functions and skills such a problem solving capabilities, mentally flex and control the individual attention, enhances inhibitory control and effectively switching between the tasks. The individuals who can also control their language power while dealing in English, besides the native language, Arabic have better cognitive and executive functions understanding. Not only they have an understanding of executive functions, but also prevent the decline of cognitive functions when the old age arrives. Bilingual factors also influence the perception based psychological factors. This includes the creative power and psychological flex to assume situations. The individuals who have an ability to perceive and understand both English and Arabic languages, have a better conceptualization and imaginary power leading to a psychology pertaining to better understanding of life situations. They are able to better manipulate the life and work situations to work in accordance with expectations and favorable situations. This advantage is of extreme importance in comparison to their colleagues who have a monolingual approach towards work and life situations (Emmorey, 2008). Also it has been noticed that bilingual individuals have a better understanding of mathematical concepts that even immerse into real life challenges and calculations ââ¬â thus, leading to beneficial and profitable situations and decision making power. They have a better understanding of mathematical concepts, say, for example, logically placing the objectives and issues in accordance with profit making or loss based studies. Such perception based advantage also percolate into non mathematical situations, for example, understanding a problem based upon depiction through pictures. Thus, it can be established that individuals have a better understanding of life and work concepts as well as cognitive, executive and perception based problem solving psychological factors if they are bilinguals, over their monolingual counterparts (MacSwan, 2008). Challenges towards adopting bilingual learning in UAE and Recommendations The poor quality of education pertaining to Arabic language learning is the major challenge in UAE. Both in private and public schools, the language which is the native of UAE, does not observe adequate teaching skills or learning resources, as there must be. This is in no match to the global English language learning resources. The teachers fail to match the global standards of learning. It is highly recommended that the educational authorities realize the benefits of bilingual teaching and develop resources for Emiratis for adopting both English and Arabic language that matches the global aspects of learning. Specific focus must be laid on bringing Arabic language at par of English standard. Also, Arabic and English languages must be immersed with each other in learning at a very early level for appropriate development of cognitive and executive functions of individuals. It is thus recommended that the English and Arabic languages must be immersed at a very early level. Conclusion It is very important to introduce and continue bilingual approach for the corporate, government and educational institutions of UAE. English language must be introduced and Arabic language must be preserved. It is important to consider that bilingual approach can be challenging for the psychology of individuals due to the differences in language basics and the ambiguity that is associated with adopting these languages at all levels such as schooling, corporate etcNeedless to mention, that before the emphasis can be laid on learning of English language and finding places for this foreign language in the lives and identity of UAE people, prominence has to be given to Arabic language learning from a very early stage. A bilingual language approach for Emiratis means higher degree of cognitive, perception and executive skills development in students as well corporate people. References Appel, R. Muysken, P. (1987). Language contact and bilingualism. London: Edward Arnold. Hakuta K., Diaz R. M. (1985). The relationship between degree of bilingualism and cognitive ability: a critical discussion and some new longitudinal data.. In Nelson K. E. Childrens Language, vol.5. Erlbaum. pp. 320ââ¬â344. Bialystok E. (1987). Influences of bilingualism on metalinguistic development. Second Language Research 3: 154ââ¬â166. Emmorey K., Luk G., Pyers J. E., Bialystok E. (2008). The Source of Enhanced Cognitive Control in Bilinguals: Evidence From Bimodal Bilinguals. MacSwan, J. (February, 2000). The threshold hypothesis, semilingualism, and other contributions to a deficit view of linguistic minorities. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Science, 22(1), 3-45. Newspaper Resource:
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Romanticism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown, The Birthmark, and Rapp
Romanticism in Young Goodman Brown, The Birth-Mark, and Rappaccini's Daughterà à à à Nathaniel Hawthorne gives his own definition of romanticism in the preface to The House of Seven Gables. According to Hawthorne, the writer of a romance may "claim a certain latitude" and may "deepen and enrich the shadows of the picture," as long as he does not "swerve aside from the truth of the human heart." The writer of a romance "will be mingle the Marvelous" as long as he does it to a "slight," however if he "disregards this caution," he will not be committing "a literary crime" (Hawthorne, House of Seven Gables, preface). Nathaniel Hawthorne consistently stays true to his standards of romanticism. The application of these standards is most abundant and lucid in "Young Goodman Brown," "The Birth-Mark," and "Rappaccini's Daughter." à The chief difference between a novel and a romance as defined by Hawthorne, and in general, is that the writer of novel must stick to reality, whereas the writer a of romance, Hawthorne in this case, may "claim a certain latitude" (T.H.O.S.G., preface). This "latitude" is expressed in "Rappaccini's Daughter," "...Dew-drops that hung upon leaf and blossom, and, while giving a brighter beauty to each rare flower, brought everything in the limits of an ordinary experience" (Hawthorne, "Rappaccini's Daughter" 655). Although a large portion of the story is spent on describing the vegetation that grow in the garden, Hawthorne symbolizes the flowers as dark and mysterious, not realistic. Hawthorne's use of exaggeration is seen more keenly in "The Birth-Mark." Hawthorne exaggerates this birthmark to mythical proportions, "dreadful Hand" or "Crimson Hand" is how he refers to Georgiana's birth-mark.... ...ed that to be successful. Although, it is possible to write a romance without referring to the supernatural, and certainly many have done so, it's the "Marvelous," that keeps one coming back for more. In all three stories, Hawthorne refers to the "Marvelous," thus remaining true to his definition of romanticism. à One may ponder if Hawthorne's definition of romanticism, as defined in the preface to the House of Seven Gables, was written for that certain work or if his definition of romanticism applies to all his work. As the three works analyzed show, he follows his definition of romanticism throughout his work. Hawthorne succeeds at setting appropriate standards for romanticism and then applying them in his work. Thus, he is remembered as one of the greatest Romantic authors of all time, both by his definition of romanticism and ours. (1057) à à Ã
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Societal Norms and Masturbation Essays -- Sociology, Sexuality
Societal norms greatly influence our views and attitudes concerning masturbation. In American society, Psychology Today says people tend to consider masturbation ââ¬Å"as a sexual refuge for singlesâ⬠who are looking to ââ¬Å"compensate for a lack of sexâ⬠(Castleman) and gives others the impression that one who masturbates in inferior or incapable of having sexual relations. However, Castlemanââ¬â¢s article references a survey conducted by the University of Chicago that disputes this theory and suggests instead that ââ¬Å"a sexless relationship [will suppress] masturbationâ⬠(Castleman). Historically, masturbation was thought to lead to serious medical side-effects; however this is not the case. As more and more doctors medically proved that masturbation is not physically harmful, others looked to support the idea that masturbation could possibly have positive health effects. Both of these factors lead to a greater normalization of masturbation today. Media plays a considerable role in our societyââ¬â¢s sexual education and views. Most commonly, the stigma that masturbation is an inferior or weak sexual act crosses our television and computer screens often. For example, both ââ¬Å"That 70s Showâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Seinfeldâ⬠suggest that those who give in or fail to be ââ¬Å"masters of his domainâ⬠(Chaney) are substandard to the rest of society. Physical evidence that masturbation and sexual pleasure are positive behaviors seems to be more evident now than ever before. Not only is the act arousing, but serotonin and ââ¬Å"epinephrine [course] through your bodyâ⬠(Daniels), increasing oneââ¬â¢s mood significantly. Also, many researchers argue that people who masturbate have a heightened sense of what pleases them sexually, which often leads to a better intimacy with a partner (... ...t I introduce in their sessions. However, I am concerned that not all participants will be completely honest and candid because of the stigmas inherent in our society. Works Cited Castleman, Michael. "All About Sex." 30 March 2009. Psychology Today. 1 February 2012 . Chaney, Jen. "'Seinfeld,' Four: It's Real and It's Spectacular." 17 May 2005. The Washington Post. 2 February 2012. Daniels, Chris and Jes Levatter. "Masturbation key to healthy, functional sexual relationships." 19 April 2007. The Badger Herald. 31 January 2012. Dolphin, Lambert. Masturbation And The Bible. 5 March 1991. 31 January 2012 . Wells, Ken R. "Masturbation." 2006. Health Line. 2 February 2012 .
Friday, October 11, 2019
Night World : Daughters of Darkness Chapter 5
Mark was still muttering as he rounded the backcorner of the house. What was he even doinghere? It wasn't easy to get into the garden area fromoutside. He had to bushwhack through the overgrown rhododendron bushes and blackberry canesthat formedadense hedge all around it. And evenwhen he emerged from a tunnel of leathery greenleaves, the scene in front of him didn't immediatelyregister. His momentum kept him going for a fewsteps before his brain caught up. Hey, wait. There'sa girl here. A pretty girl. Anextremelypretty girl. He could seeher clearly by the back porch light. She had hiplength white-blond hair, the color that normally onlypreschoolers have, and it was as fine as a child's hair,too, whipping around her like pale silk when shemoved. She was smallish. Little bones. Her hands and feet were delicate. She was wearing what looked like an oldfashioned nightshirt and dancing to what sounded like a rent-to-own commercial. There was a battereddock radio on the porch steps. There was also a black kitten that took one look at Mark and darted away into the shadows. ââ¬Å"Baaad cred-it,nooo cred-it, dooon't wor-ry,weee'll take youâ⬠¦.â⬠the radio warbled. The girl danced with her arms above her head-light as thistledown,Mark thought, staring in astonishment. Really, actu ally that light, and so what if it was a cliche As the commercial ended and a country western song began, she did a twirl and saw him. Shestopped, frozen, arms still above her head, wristscrossed. Her eyes got big and her mouth sagged open. She's scared, Mark thought. Of me. The girl didn't look graceful now; she was scrambling to seize the dock radio, fumbling with it, shaking it. Trying to find an Off switch, Mark realized. Her desperation was contagious. Before he thought, Mark dropped the pruning shears and swooped in to grab the radio from her. He twisted the top dial, cutting the song short. Then he stared at the girl, who stared backwith wide silvery-green eyes. They were both breath ing quickly, as if they'd just disarmed a bomb. ââ¬Å"Hey, I hate country western, too,â⬠Mark said aftera minute, shrugging. He'd never talked to a girl this way before. But then he'd never had a girl look scared of him before. And so scared-he imagined he could see her heartbeating in the pale blue veins beneath the translucent skin of her throat. Then, suddenly, she stopped looking terrified. Shebit her lip and chortled. Then, still grinning, she blinked and sniffed. ââ¬Å"I forgot,â⬠she said, dabbing at the corner of her eye. ââ¬Å"You don't have the same rules we do.â⬠ââ¬Å"Rules about country western music?â⬠Mark hazarded. He liked her voice. It was ordinary, not celestial. It made her seem more human. ââ¬Å"Rules about any music from outside,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"And any TV, too.â⬠Outside what? Mark thought. He said, ââ¬Å"Uh, hi. I'm Mark Carter.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm Jade Redfern.â⬠ââ¬Å"You're one of Mrs. Burdock's nieces.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes. We just came last night. We're going to livehere.â⬠Mark snorted and muttered, ââ¬Å"You have my condolences.â⬠ââ¬Å"Condolences? Why?â⬠Jade cast a darting glance around the garden. ââ¬Å"Because living in Briar Creek is just slightly moreexciting than living in a cemetery.â⬠She gave him a long, fascinated look. ââ¬Å"You'veâ⬠¦ lived in a cemetery?â⬠He gaveher along look. ââ¬Å"Uh, actually, I just meant it's boring here.â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh.â⬠She thought, then smiled. ââ¬Å"Well, it's interesting to us,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"It's different from where we come from.â⬠ââ¬Å"And just wheredo you come from?â⬠ââ¬Å"An island. It's sort of near â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ She considered. ââ¬Å"The state of Maine. ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËThe state of Maine.â⬠ââ¬Ë ââ¬Å"Yeah.â⬠ââ¬Å"Does this island have a name?â⬠She stared at him with wide green eyes. ââ¬Å"Well, I can't tell youthat.â⬠ââ¬Å"Uh-okay.â⬠Was, she making fun of him? Butthere was nothing like mockery or sly teasing in her face. She looked mysterious â⬠¦ and innocent. Maybe she had some kind of mental problem. The kids at Dewitt High School would have a field day with that. They weren't very tolerant of differences. ââ¬Å"Look,â⬠he said abruptly. ââ¬Å"If there's ever anything I can do for you-you know, if you ever get in trouble or something-then just tell me. Okay?â⬠She tilted her head sideways. Her eyelashes actually cast shadows in the porch light, but her expression wasn't coy. It was straightforward and assessing,and she was looking him over carefully, as if she needed to figure him out. She took her time doingit. Then she smiled, making little dimples in her cheeks, and Mark's heart jumped unexpectedly. ââ¬Å"Okay,â⬠she said softly. ââ¬Å"Mark. You're not silly, even though you're a boy. You're a good guy, aren'tyou?â⬠ââ¬Å"Well. . .â⬠Mark had never been called upon to be a good guy, not in the TV sense. He wasn't surehow he'd measure up if he were. ââ¬Å"I, um, hope I 0am.â⬠Jade was looking at him steadily. ââ¬Å"You know, I just decided. I'm going to like it here.â⬠She smiledagain, and Mark found it hard to breathe-and then her expression changed. Mark heard it, too. A wild crashing in the overgrown tangle of rhododendrons and blackberrybushes at the back of the garden. It was a weird,frenzied sound, but Jade's reaction was out of all proportion. She had frozen, body tense andtrembling, eyes fixed on the underbrush. She looked terrified. ââ¬Å"Hey.â⬠Mark spoke gently, then touched hershoulder. ââ¬Å"Hey. It's all right. It's probably one of the goats that got loose; goats can jump over any kind of fence.â⬠She was shaking her head. ââ¬Å"Or a deer. When they're relaxed they sound just like people walking.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's not a deer,â⬠she hissed. ââ¬Å"They come down and eat people's gardens a. night. You probably don't have deer roaming aroundwhere you come from-ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"I can'tsmellanything,â⬠she said in a kind of whispered wail. ââ¬Å"It's that stupid pen. Everything smells like goat. ââ¬Å" She couldn't smell â⬠¦ ? Mark did the only thinghe could think of in response to a statement like that. He put his arms around the girl. ââ¬Å"Everything's okay,â⬠he said softly. He couldn'thelp but notice that she was cool and warm at the same time, supple, wonderfully alive underneath the nightshirt. ââ¬Å"Why don't I take you inside now? You'll be safe there.â⬠ââ¬Å"Leggo,â⬠Jade said ungratefully, squirming. ââ¬Å"I mayhave to fight.â⬠She wriggled out of his arms and faced the bushes again. ââ¬Å"Stay behind me.â⬠Okay, so sheis crazy. I don't care. I think I love her. He stood beside her. ââ¬Å"Look, I'll fight, too. What doyou think it is? Bear, coyote â⬠¦ ?â⬠â⬠My brother.â⬠ââ¬Å"Your . . .â⬠Dismay pooled in Mark. She'd just stepped over the line of acceptable craziness. ââ¬Å"Oh.â⬠Another thrashing sound from the bushes. It was definitely something big, not a goat. Mark was just wondering vaguely if a Roosevelt elk could have wandered down the hundred or so miles from Waldo Lake, when a scream ripped through the air. A human scream-or, worse,almost human. As it died, there was a wail that was definitely inhumanit started out faint, and then suddenly sounded shrilland dose. Mark was stunned. When the drawn-out wail finally stopped, there was a sobbing, moaning sound, then silence. Mark got his breath and swore. ââ¬Å"What in thewhat wasthat?â⬠ââ¬Å"Shh. Keep still.â⬠Jade was in a half-crouch, eyes on the bushes. ââ¬Å"Jade-Jade, listen. We've got to get inside.â⬠Desperate, he looped an arm around her waist, trying to pick her up. She was light, but she flowed like water out of his arms. Like a cat that doesn't want to bepetted. ââ¬Å"Jade, whatever that thing is, we need agun. ââ¬Å"I don't.â⬠She seemed tobe speaking through herteeth-anyway there was something odd about her diction. She had her back to him and he couldn't see her face, but her hands were clawed. ââ¬Å"Jade,â⬠Mark said urgently. He was scared enoughto run, but he couldn't leave her. He couldn't. No good guy would do that. Too late. The blackberry bushes to the south quivered. Parted. Something was coming through. Mark's heart seemed to freeze solid, but then he found himself moving. Pushing Jade roughly aside. Standing in front of her to face whatever the thing in the dark was. Mary-Lynnette kicked her way through the blackberry canes. Her arms and legs were scratched, and she could feel ripe, bright-black berries squishing against her. She'd probably picked a bad place to get through the hedge, but she hadn't been thinking about that. She'd been thinking about Mark, aboutfinding him as fast as possible and getting away from here. 0Just please let him be here, she thought. Let him be here and be okay and I'll never ask for anything else. She struggled through the last of the canes into thebackyard-and then things happened very fast. The first thing she saw was Mark, and she felt a rush of relief. Then a flash of surprise. Mark was standing in front of a girl, his arms lifted like a basketball guard. As if to protect her from Mary-Lynnette. And then, so quickly that Mary-Lynnette could barely follow the motion, the girl was rushing at her. And Mary-Lynnette was throwing her arms up and Mark was shouting, ââ¬Å"No, that's my sister!â⬠The girl stopped a foot away from Mary-Lynnette.It was the little silvery-haired one, of course. This dose Mary-Lynnette couldsee that she had green eyes and skin so translucent it almost looked like quartz crystal. ââ¬Å"Jade, it's my sister,â⬠.Mark said again, as if anxiousto get this established. ââ¬Å"Her name's Mary-Lynnette.She won't hurt you. Mare, tell her you won't hurther.â⬠Hurt her? Mary-Lynnette didn't know what he wastalking about, and didn't want to. This girl was as weirdly beautiful as the others, and something abouther eyes-hey weren't ordinary green, but almost silvery-made Mary-Lynnette's skin rise ingoose pimples. ââ¬Å"Hello,â⬠Jade said. ââ¬Å"Hello. Okay, Mark, c'mon. We've got to go. Like right now.â⬠She expected him to agree immediately. He wasthe one who hadn't wanted to come, and now herehe was with his most dreaded phobia, a girl. But instead he said, ââ¬Å"Did you hear that yelling? Could you tell where it came from?â⬠ââ¬Å"What yelling? I was inside. Come on.â⬠MaryLynnette took Mark's arm, but since he was as strongas she was, it didn't do any good. ââ¬Å"Maybe I heardsomething. I wasn't paying attention.â⬠She'd been looking desperately around the Victorian living room,babbling out lies about how her family knew where she'd gone tonight and expected her back soon. How her father and stepmother were such good friends of Mrs. Burdock's and how they were just waiting at home to hear about Mrs. B.'s nieces. She still wasn't sure if that was why they'd let her go. But for somereason, Rowan had finally stood up, given MaryLynnette a grave, sweet smile, and opened the front door. ââ¬Å"You know, I bet it was a wolverine,â⬠Mark was saying to Jade excitedly. ââ¬Å"A wolverine that came down from Willamette Forest.â⬠Jade was frowning. ââ¬Å"A wolverine?â⬠She considered. ââ¬Å"Yeah, I guess that could have been it. I've never heard one before.â⬠She looked at MaryLynnette. ââ¬Å"Is that what you think it was?â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh, sure,â⬠Mary-Lynnette said at random. ââ¬Å"Definitely a wolverine.â⬠I should ask where her aunt is, she thought suddenly. It's the perfect opportunity to catch her in a lie. I'll ask and then she'llsay something-anything, but not that her aunt'sgone up north for a little vacation on the coast. And then I'll know. She didn't do it. She simply didn't have the courage. She didn't want to catch anyone in a lie anymore; she just wanted to get out. ââ¬Å"Mark, please â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ He looked at her and for the first time seemed tosee how upset she was. ââ¬Å"Uh-okay,â⬠he said. And to Jade: ââ¬Å"Look, why don't you go back inside now?You'll be safe there. And maybe-maybe I could come over again sometime?â⬠Mary-Lynnette was still tugging at him, and now, to her relief, he began to move. Mary-Lynnette headed for the blackberry bushes that she'd trampled coming in. ââ¬Å"Why don't you go through there? It's like apath,â⬠Jadesaid,pointing. Mark immediately swerved, taking Mary-Lynnette with him, and she saw a comfortable gap between two rhododendron bushes at the back of the garden. She would never have seen it unless she knew what to look for. As they reached the hedge, Mark turned to glance behind him. Mary-Lynnette turned, too. From here, Jade was just a dark silhouette againstthe porch light-but her hair, lit from behind, looked like a silver halo. It shimmered around her. MaryLynnette heard Mark draw in his breath. ââ¬Å"You both come back sometime,â⬠Jade said cordially. ââ¬Å"Help us milk the goats like Aunt Opal said. She gave us very strict orders before she went on vacation.â⬠Mary-Lynnette was dumbfounded. She turned back and reeled through the gap, her head spinning. When they got to the road she said, ââ¬Å"Mark, what happened when you got into the garden?â⬠Mark was looking preoccupied. ââ¬Å"What do you mean what happened? Nothing happened.â⬠ââ¬Å"Did you look at the place that was dug up?â⬠ââ¬Å"No,â⬠Mark said shortly. ââ¬Å"Jade was in the gardenwhen I got there. I didn't get a chance to look at anything.â⬠ââ¬Å"Mark â⬠¦ was she there the whole time? Jade?Did she ever go in the house? Or did either of the other girls ever come out?â⬠Mark grunted. ââ¬Å"I don't even know what the othergirls look like. The only one I saw was Jade, and she was there the whole time.â⬠He looked at her darkly. ââ¬Å"You're not still on this Rear Windowthing, are you?â⬠Mary-Lynnette didn't answer. She was trying to gather her scattered thoughts. I don't believe it. Butshe said it. Orders about the goats. Before her aunt went on vacation. But Rowan didn't know about the goats before I told her. I'd swear she didn't know. And I was so sure she was winging it with the vacation businessâ⬠¦. Okay, maybe I was wrong. But that doesn't mean Rowan was telling the truth. Maybe they didfigure the story out before tonight, and Rowan's just a lousy actress. Or maybe â⬠¦ 0 ââ¬Å"Mark, this is going to sound crazy â⬠¦ but Jade didn't have, like, a cellular phone or anything, did she?â⬠Mark stopped dead and gave Mary-Lynnette a long, slow look that said more dearly than wordswhat he thought of this. ââ¬Å"Mary-Lynnette, what'swrongwith you?â⬠ââ¬Å"Rowan and Kestrel told me that Mrs. B. is on vacation. That she suddenly decidedto take a vacation just when they arrived in town.â⬠ââ¬Å"So? Jade said the same thing.â⬠ââ¬Å"Mark, Mrs. B. has lived there for ten years, and she's nevertaken a vacation. Never. How could shetake one starting the same day her nieces come to live with her?â⬠ââ¬Å"Maybe because they can house-sit for her,â⬠Mark said with devastating logic. It was exactly what Rowanhad said. MaryLynnette had a sudden feeling of paranoia, like someone who realizes that everyone around her is a pod person, all in on the conspiracy. She had been aboutto tell him about the goats, but now she didn't want to. Oh, geta gripon yourself, girl. Even Mark is beinglogical The least you can do isthink about this rationally before you run to Sheriff Akers. The fact is, Mary-Lynnette told herself, brutally honest, that you panicked. You got afeelingaboutthose girls for some reason, and then you forgot logic completely. You didn't get any kind of hard evidence. You ran away. She could hardly go to the sheriff and. say that shewas suspicious because Rowan had creepy feet. There's no evidence at all. Nothing except â⬠¦ She groaned inwardly. ââ¬Å"It all comes down to what's in the garden,â⬠shesaid out loud. Mark, who had been walking beside her in frowning silence, now stopped. ââ¬Å"What?â⬠ââ¬Å"It all comes back to that again,â⬠Mary-Lynnettesaid, her eyes shut. ââ¬Å"I should have just looked at thatdug-up place when I had the chance, even if Jadesaw me. It's the only real evidence there is â⬠¦so I've got to see what's there.â⬠Mark was shaking his head. ââ¬Å"Now, look-ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"I haveto go back. Not tonight. I'm dead tired. But tomorrow. Mark, I haveto check it out before I go to Sheriff Akers.â⬠Mark exploded. ââ¬Å"Before youwhat?â⬠he shouted, loud enough to raise echoes. ââ¬Å"What are you talking about, going to the sheriff?â⬠Mary-Lynnette stared. She hadn't realized how different Mark's point of view was from hers. Why, she thought, why he's â⬠¦ -240 ââ¬Å"You wanted to check out where Mrs. B. was-so we checked where Mrs. B. was,â⬠Mark said. ââ¬Å"They told us where. And yousawJade. I know she's a little differentit's like you said about Mrs. B.; she's eccentric. But did she look like the kind of personwho could hurt somebody? Well, didshe?â⬠Why, he's in love with her, Mary-Lynnettethought. Or at least seriously in like. Mark likes a girl. Now she was reallyconfused. This could be so good for him-if only the girl weren't crazy. Well, maybe even if the girl wascrazyif it wasn't a homicidal craziness. Either way, Mary-Lynnette couldn't call the police on Mark's new girlfriend unless she had some evidence. I wonder if she likes him, too? she thought. They certainly seemed to be protecting each other when I walked in. ââ¬Å"No, you're right,â⬠she said aloud, glad that she'd had practice lying tonight. ââ¬Å"She doesn't look like thekind of person who could hurt somebody. I'll just let it drop.â⬠With you. And tomorrow night when you thinkI'm starwatching, I'll sneak over there. This time bringing my own shovel. And maybe a big stick to fend off wolverines. ââ¬Å"Do you really think you heard a wolverine over there?â⬠she asked, to change the subject. ââ¬Å"Um â⬠¦maybe.â⬠Mark was slowly losing his scowl. ââ¬Å"It was somethingweird. Something I've never heard before. So you're going to forget all this crazy stuff about Mrs. B., right?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah, I am.â⬠I'll be safe, mary-Lynnette was thinking. This time I won't panic, and I'll make sure they don't see me. Besides, if they were going to kill me, they would have done it tonight, wouldn't they? ââ¬Å"Maybe it was Sasquatch we heard yelling,â⬠Marksaid.
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