Friday, October 18, 2019

Shakespeare in Love Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Shakespeare in Love - Movie Review Example This essay considers background information related to the film Shakespeare in Love, including plot, and presents a general critique of various filmic aspects. The film itself is set in 1593 Europe and as indicated occurs during the time period when William Shakespeare was writing Romeo and Juliet. The play begins presenting two competing theatres and extends into other dramatic elements. Researchers have analyzed the play and noted the two central cruces to by the need to get a play produced and the extent that the play will be able to truly articulate the concept of love. In addition, Huntley has considered how the play presents the underlining human drive of desire and love, as articulated in the romance that occurs between Shakespeare and Viola, and the complications presented by Lord Wessex. Shakespeare is indicated to be working for The Rose Theatre. Geoffrey Rush plays Philip Henslowe who is the owner of the theatre. While he has constructed a play titled Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate’s Daughter, upon learning that his love interest has cheated on him with another man he rewrites the play as Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare begins to hold auditions for the lead roles in the play. One of the people that audition for Romeo is Gwyneth Paltrow’s character Viola de Lesseps; however, she is disguised as a man. Shakespeare begins a relationship with Viola after discovering her true identity. In many regards, their relationship resembles that of the fictional relationship of Romeo and Juliet in that in many regards it seems doomed to fail. For instance, Shakespeare is already married, and Viola’s family intends for her to marry a wealthy aristocrat named Lord Wessex. During this time another famed playwright, Christopher Marlowe is featured who offers Shakespeare various types of advice. Soon Shakespeare and Viola find themselves in front of the Queen and make a bet that a player cannot be written that captures the true nature of love. Shakespear e works to present Romeo and Juliet as the true essence of love.

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